Hugging both in dreams and in real life should be associated with cheerfulness, support, and comfort. The person hugging can level fears, and provide support with his warm approach. It is a symbol of energy to transmit your compassion and joy to others. A dream about hugging can also mean that in your life everything is in its place, but for unexplained reasons you are sad. Perhaps, that's why you need to cry on someone's shoulder from time to time. Hugging in a dream often reflects a feeling of relief after the danger has been averted or troublesome problems have been solved. In a negative sense, it symbolizes insecurity and hypersensitivity to human problems.

The Symbolism and Meaning of Hug in a Dream
The motif of hugging in a dream indicates indifference and lack of positive emotions in the dreamer's daily life. The struggle against temptations can be long and painful. Only the persistent will win and gain life peace. Hugging, according to the dreamer, is a symbol of healing and foreshadows reconciliation with the love of one's life.
Hugging your mother
A dream about hugging your mother may indicate that in real life you are worried about the health and fate of your mother. This type of dream is also a symbol of wealth and augurs finding a soulmate for the rest of your life. It can also mean that you will receive warm parental advice, which you will ignore.
Hugging a loved one
A dream about hugging someone close to you symbolizes the fear of loss and can foretell problems in a partnership and a lack of change in life. The dreamer states that in such situations the best way out of the situation will be to take advice from someone more experienced than you.
Hugging a man
A dream about hugging a man symbolizes problems and deficiencies in the emotional sphere of the dreamer. It may indicate feelings of loneliness or longing for someone close to you. You will find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, from which you will emerge victorious. You will establish a positive relationship with a person you care about very much.
Someone hugs you
If you dream that someone is hugging you, your dream symbolizes frowning and sadness. You will conclude that certain situations in your life set you back and do not allow you to move forward. You will need help in the ordinary activities of life, but no one will help you with them. The inspiration you will begin to feel will make you do a fantastic job that will ensure a good future for you.
To hug a woman
A dream about hugging a woman augurs that you will not be able to pass indifferently in the face of problems that happen to you. You will partially manage to solve them on your own, but it will be necessary to ask someone for advice. Partially getting rid of the burden will make you breathe for a while, but you will have to completely get rid of all difficulties yourself.
To hug a baby
A dream about hugging a child is a sign that someone will need your help. For a hugging child, you will undoubtedly be a role model. Remember not to make unnecessary mistakes in life, as any wound may remain on your body for a long time.
To be hugged by the deceased
If you dream that you are being hugged by a deceased person it is a sign that you will end a certain stage in your life and then focus on building a new future. The effect will be electrifying, as you will achieve much better results than you planned. Hugging a deceased person in a dream foreshadows the beginning of a new stage in life and the achievement of stability in waking life.
Dream about hugging a stranger
Hugging a stranger is a harbinger of betrayal. Are you able to prove who is lying to you? If so, you'd better try to investigate meticulously, as any ambiguity can only hurt or humiliate you. Someday you may regret everything, but now you still have a chance to make the only right decision. A dream about hugging a stranger may indicate a feeling of neglect by a partner or problems in a relationship. Single people may find their other half.
Hugging a colleague
If you dream that you are hugging a colleague you can choose this as a warning of impending danger. This is because a dream about hugging indicates human powerlessness and the need for support. The dream augurs that a person close to you will face numerous problems that will break him down a bit. Only your support and help will make the difficulties pass. In another sense, the dream can symbolize competing with a friend, who will achieve more success in life.
Hugging an ex-partner
A dream about hugging an ex-partner indicates that you can't forget certain events of the past and you keep returning to them with your thoughts. This type of dream is a reminder of the beautiful moments spent together in life. It reminds you of the need to make rational and courageous decisions, it foreshadows that the willingness to compromise will be crucial for you in life.
Dream of Hugging meanings and interpretation
A dream about hugging someone indicates that meeting a long-lost person will make you realize how close you are to each other.
When you dream that you see people hugging each other it is a sign that your bad mood will make you start shying away from people. It is high time to break through once and for all and overcomes the barriers standing in your way and go out to people again.
A dream about hugging a toy augurs that there will be difficulties in your life, through which someone will lead you astray.
When you dream that you are hugging an animal it foretells that a certain person will disappoint your trust.
Hugging in mystic dream book
A dream about hugging is associated with the difficulty of controlling one's emotions, and can also indicate disorders in personal life.
When you dream that you are hugging someone, it is a sign that your deliberation on warming common relations with the enemy will bring the opposite result to the intended one.
Hugging a child in a dream heralds a successful course of events in the future.
Hugging your mother is a sign that you are on your way to achieving victory over your enemies.
Hugging a father in a dream augurs that a lack of prudence will bring you a lot of trouble in both your personal and professional life.